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Filler Masterbatches Polytrans

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Transparent Fillers are recommended to be used for colour woven sack fabric, transparent liners, food wrappers and bubble stabilizers in bubble wrap films. These fillers are based on transparent talc and reduces loading of costlier Colour Masterbatch. Transparent Filler can also be used in White tape along with normal CaCO3 Filler as an additional loading (upto 4-5%) without much effect on properties of the fabric. It is very useful to bring down the cost of the final product. Transparent Filler are used widely in HM-HDPE Carry / Shopping bags as filler. It also gives glossy surface finish


  • Woven Fabric & Tapes
  • HM Carry / Shopping Bags
  • PP Lamination
  • PP Bubble Wrap films

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Additives For Plastic, Anti Static Masterbatche, Black Masterbatches, Color Masterbatches, Colour Pigament, Colour Pigament For Plastic, Conductive Compounds, Filler Masterbatches Polytrans, Master Batches, Pigment Black, Pigments For Plastic, Plastic Additives, Plastic Colours, Plastic Master Batches, Plastic Pigments, Plasticizers, Polycolor, Products, Pvc Additives, Pvc Stabilisers, Thermoplastic Fine Powder, White Masterbatches